Labels:sky OCR: SwampLord Instructions Move your Swamp Creature bv placing Beacon Click at the desired destination The Evil Real Estate Agent: will tryto get to you and drain your Lif ef orce EREA cannot t leave land Your Lifef orce gauge is tothel left of the board This is game of strategy Each EREA wil I move oncefor each time thal youmove Your Swamp Creature can go anywhere in the swam p, land or water .When Emovingfrom wat tertoland or vice versa the squarel that youleave changes tothe W element of your destination .Bymoving between land and waterin an organized fashion you can manipulate the locations of waterand land OBJECT OF GAME Remove allthe EREA'sfrom your swam p To dothis youneedto straight horiz ontal east -west]levees tothe westend of the swam p. Click the clawat the westem end of i thelevee ...